We welcome our visitor for 2025 Simon Flinders.
We are pleased to offer the following Preaching clubs, workshops and conferences:
At Abbotsford Presbyterian church, Preaching club meetings Wednesdays, 19 February; 21 May with Simon Flinders; 20 August; 19 November. Contact Darryl Soh the coordinator darrylsoh@abbotsfordpc.org
Simon Flinders Darryl Soh
At Armidale Anglican Cathedral, Preaching club meetings Mondays, 7 April and 3 November and Preaching conference with Simon Flinders 25 and 26 August. Other speakers at the conference will be David Burge, David Cook, and Jim Mobbs. Contact Emily Speed at the Diocesan Registry office: office@armidaleanglicandiocese.com for registration for this conference.
David Burge David Cook Jim Mobbs Adam Draycott Simon Flinders
Registration for the Preaching clubs in Armidale contact Adam Draycott : adnt1996@tpg.com.au
At Sutherland Anglican church Preaching club meetings Fridays 7 March, 30 May, 29 August and 7 November. Contact Jim Mobbs the coordinator mobbs_jim@yahoo.com.au
At Wahroonga Presbyterian church, Preaching clubs, Mondays 17 February, 19 May, 17 November and Preaching conference with Simon Flinders 18 and 19 August. Other speakers at the conference will be David Burge, David Cook, Mike Leite, Jim Mobbs and Jenny Salt. Contact Coordinator John Woldhuis john@wpc.net.au
John Woldhuis Jenny Salt
A Preaching Workshop at Drummoyne on, ‘Preaching the book of Revelation’, on Tuesday to Thursday 3-5 June. Speakers: Pete Ryan, David Burge and David Cook. Registration through the contact form on the website eptrust.org.au
We have mentors available to meet with preachers on a weekly or fortnightly basis, please use the contact form on the website eptrust.org.au to register your interest. At the moment we have 12 experienced mentors, please contact us through the website contact form to discuss your need.
We are pleased to offer mentoring and the clubs free of charge. A nominal registration charge of $50 is made for the Preaching conferences and $150 is charged for the Workshop. For any further details please contact us through the contact form on our website eptrust.org.au