mourners in background with flowers on a coffin in the foreground

Preparing Your Funeral

The emptiness of secularism is never more evident than at the funeral.

On one occasion, preaching in the Moore College Chapel, my Principal, D.B.Knox, made the point that death, whether it be 1,2,20 or 30 years away, was relatively close for us all.

I am now at an age where I am told it is wise to have my Will handy, together with the Powers of Attorney and Title deed to our apartment. As well, I have included some guidelines for my funeral service, after all, this will be my last opportunity to testify to God’s saving work in my life.

I have chosen 4 Hymns:

Bonar’s, ‘I heard the voice of Jesus say come unto me and rest’. My newly converted father referred to this hymn in his notation in the hymn book which he gave to my mother and since then it has been regarded as the family’s hymn.

Havergal’s, ‘Like a river glorious is God’s perfect peace…stayed upon Jehovah hearts are fully blessed, finding as he promised perfect peace and rest’.

Newton’s hymn, ‘How sweet the name of Jesus sounds’, containing the verse which describes Jesus in 10 ways in 4 lines.

Then the Getty’s song, ‘There is a higher throne…the Lamb becomes our shepherd King, we’ll reign with Him’.

If possible, I would like the church organ and band to play together, both the hymns and the song.

Because young people will be present, I have asked a lady at our church who excels in giving talks to children, to speak to children for 5 minutes on the Christian conviction about death.

I have been to some funerals where the eulogies displace the sermon, so I have asked for one brief eulogy.

I have asked my Pastor, also a member of my family, to preach and the Bible readings will be: Psalm 103; John 11:25-26 and v.38-44; Romans 8:28-39.

I have asked that he preach on the Romans passage:

– A massive conviction v.28-30. God is at work in all things for the good of His people, that every event is designed by God to make His people more like His son, Jesus Christ, that is the good!

– 3 massive questions v.31-39

V.31-32. Can any effective enemy thwart God’s purpose for us? No, since God is for us, in giving His Son, God has shown the full extent of His support.

V.33. Can any effective charge be made against God’s elect? The verdict of judgement day has been delivered, against which, there is no valid appeal.

V.35. Can anything or anyone separate us from the love of Christ? Nothing at all has the capacity to separate.

All of this is based on the Apostolic, God given, historically grounded certainty, v.28, ‘and we know’, v.38, ‘for I am sure’.

They’re just my thoughts, it’s Dave’s  sermon so he will work out the structure of what he says.

I want the reality of death to be real so I have asked for my coffin to be present in the church.

I am to be laid to rest in Waverley Cemetery in the family plot, under the headstone reading of another Bonar hymn:

‘Upon a life I did not live,

Upon a death I did not die,

Upon another’s life, another’s death, I stake my whole eternity.

Jesus Christ their All’.

Afternoon tea will be served in the church garden and I want it to include gelato from our favourite Italian coffee bar in Leichhardt.

It is completely in the hand of God when we die,1,2,20 or 30 years, whatever it is, it is good to be prepared and to have your funeral reflect your life as a follower of the Lord Jesus.

Secular emptiness and believing substance, most evident in the funeral!

David Cook.