Production stage with "Reality" word overlayed


We have just come back from a few days on the Gold Coast, which has one of the largest film production studios in Australia.

One of our sons is filming a series for TV called, ‘Good Cop, Bad Cop’. During our visit we went on set and saw the incredible expertise and equipment required to produce such a series.

The series is set in a place called Eden Vale in Washington DC and yet it was filmed in a little town called Canungra, Qld; the community hall, shops, the local park even the litter bins all had to be re labelled, ‘Eden Vale’.

What we saw was the creative ability of highly experienced film makers in creating a new reality, a reality that didn’t really exist.

On the Sunday we went to a local church at Robina on the Gold Coast and heard the local pastor preach an excellent sermon on Revelation 6 and 7.

As I sat and listened he explained the reality of God’s judgement in revealing the 4 horses of judgement and yet God securing the full number of the elect under the safe shelter of the blood of the Lamb, ‘before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes…’ (Rev 7:9-10).

The preacher kept repeating the refrain of a man suffering persecution in South East Asia, ‘I won’t give up because I know Jesus and he is coming again soon!’

Here was no make believe, here was the clear description of the world in which we are living today, a world of tribulation and trouble. Set against the backdrop of that nitty-gritty reality, the Christian’s hope shines through.

After the service at morning tea it was clear that this was not a ‘one off’ but that every Sunday was marked by such well prepared, careful and engaging preaching, and it was greatly appreciated!

We are surrounded by a world preaching unreality to us 336 half hours every week, how good it is then to be nourished with the reality of God’s word together for just one of those 336 half hours!!

The Bible is the antidote to unreality and it’s preaching is the source of true wisdom as we seek to live in harmony with reality.

Thank God for faithful, hard-working local Pastors, week by week nourishing the flock, keeping a close watch on themselves and their teaching (1 Timothy 4:16).

David Cook.